In the last chapter of `The Hound of the Baskervilles` Sir Henry and Dr. Mortimer wanted to travel. On this day caved Dr. Watson, that he wants to know the complet story of Sherlock`s secret presence. He explained him every detail of his observations. Dr. Watson was visible astonished. Dr. Watson learned, that Mrs. Stapleton was for a long time against the plans of Dr. Stapleton.
That was the story about the hellhound of Baskerville. At the begin of the chapter 12, Dr. Watson saw Holmes in front of the little cottage. Sherlock Holmes explained Dr. Watson about his secret stay here in Devonshire and about the little boy Cartwright, which him always brought food. After the discussion they wanted to walk back to Baskerville Hall and they found the dead body of Selden. They called Lestrades. Suddenly came Dr. Stapleton and asked them who is the cadaver. When he found out that it it wasn`t Sir henry, he was visibly disappointed. When Dr. Stapleton went back to his home, Sherlock and Watson made a plan for find more arguments.
Sherlock Holmes was together with Watson sitting in the livingroom and they were discussing about the walking stick, which Dr. Mortimer forgot. They were tried to find out, trough the initials, more about the life of Dr. Mortimer. On the walking stick was a print of a set of teeth of a dog. Holmes knew which art of dog it was, because he saw the dog with Dr. Mortimer at the door. Holmes and Watson were discussing with Mortimer about his life.
Dr. Mortimer told them about the legend of Baskerville. The legend tells about a creature, which looks as a Hound, but bigger and let the family members distressful dying. Hugo Baskerville captivated a girl, which fled in a night in to the moor. Dr. Mortimer came, because Hugo Baskerville died on a inexplicable way. He wants to know now, why he died.
Dr. Mortimer fiddled with Holmes and Watson about the case. Dr. Mortimer viewed the location at the moor and so, he can they tell lot of informations. Sherlock and Watson were impressed. Dr. Mortimer asked Holmes and Watson for help, they agreed. Mortimer tells also, that he has a date with the last "survivor", Henry, of the Baskerville family. Henry also traveled from Australia to London for his heritage.
Henry Baskerville came so to London to Holmes and Watson, and in his hotel he found a letter with words of paper. In the letter stood "as you value your life or your reason, keep away from the moor". With Holmes they found, that the letter wrote by one of the Charing Cross Hospital. They agreed a new meeting, because Sherlock willed think about. Mortimer and Baskerville walked so to the hotel and Holmes and Watson followed them. Holmes realized, that an unknown person Henry and the doctor stalked, but he don`t knew who. The new meeting was at one of the messenger offices of London. Holmes ordered a boy of the office, all hotels around the Charing Cross Hospital, to searched about the newspaper with holes from the words of the letter.
Dr. Watson and Sherlock Holmes went to Sir Baskerville to the hotel. He ran them angry in their arms, because now is also an old black boot missing. They talk together with Dr. Mortimer about the testament of Sir Charles Baskerville, amongst other the Buttler, Mr. Barrymore a heir is. They had the suspicion, Mr. Barrymore ist the pursuer of Sir Henry Baskerville. When Sir Henry wanted to go back to the hotel, he saw his new brown boot, which wasn`t here a short wile ago. Later, they spoke with the coachman John Clayton, which informed them about the look and the characteristics oft he pursuer. He faked Sherlock Holmes. They agreed with Sir Baskerville, that Dr. Watson will go at Baskerville Hall with Sir Henry.
Watson, Mortimer and Henry went to Baskerville Hall. Sherlock ordered Watson, him all to write, what`s happen in Devonshire. They experienced, that a killer is in Devonshire. He comes from Notting Hill. By the arrival in Baskerville Hall, Dr. Mortimer went home to his wife. Henry and Dr. Watson met the butler Mr. Barrymore and his wife Mrs. Barrymore. In the first night, Dr. Watson heard a woman cried.
In the next morning Dr. Watson asked Mr. Barrymore after the sobbing last night. It was his wife, Mrs. Barrymore. He questioned the postmaster about the delivery of the telegram. He confirmed that his son, James, handed the telegram to Mrs. Barrymore, because Mr. Barrymore was engaged in the attic. Dr. Watson decided to go for a walk. Suddenly he heard a voice behind him, it was Mr. Stapleton with his net. They were talking about the death of Sir Charles Baskerville, but mostly about the dangerous moor. A pony ran across the moor, directly into a swamp. It drowned with a miserable cry. Suddenly they heard a loud cry of a dog. Stapleton told to Watson the legend of the Hound of the Baskervilles. At once a rare Cyclopides flew by and Stapleton ran behind him. Soon came Miss Stapleton and warned Watson, because she kept him for Sir Henry, to stay here before. She was afraid to him. When the misunderstanding was cleared up, Dr. Watson was invited to the Stapletons, but before the dinner, he returned to Sir Henry.
AuthorKyra |